Well it has been a year now since Mannix joined our family. I can't believe how fast it went! His ability to speak English has blossomed, I just have to "translate" when he talks to someone not familiar with his accent. I stopped posting about him because as I started to be able to understand him and learned all the terrible things he went through in his 12 years, I realized it is his story to tell if and when he wants to. But I can say that being his mom has taught me how to become a therapeutic parent because parenting a child who has been hurt as much as he has been is much different than parenting a biological child who learned to trust you from the moment he or she first saw you. It keeps you thinking on your feet to try to say and do the right thing at every turn so you do not blow the progress you already made! :) I also find myself wishing I had all the resources I have now when we adopted Makenna in 2005. Each day I see a little more of that protective shield he has put up around him break off and I see a sweet boy coming through. He has made a lot of progress in school and finished up the year with A's and B's and only one C. He has grown 3-4 inches and is just as tall as Makenna. Matthew is trying hard to catch up to them. Here are some pictures taken over the last 6 months:On the Disney Cruise that Andrew won! The wonderful world of Harry Potter. School day for Matthew and Mannix. Learning to fold the flag at boy scout camp in Virginia. Learning to build a campfire. Riding a bike at the car dealership.
Thanks for following! Donna